
Friday, August 6, 2010

I am still around....

Wow, I am quite impressed I still have Followers!  Thank you for your patience everyone.  Things have been a tad hectic, a tad stressful and it isn't over quite yet.  To give you an abbreviated version of what has been happening since we left Uruguay, well, we moved to Boston and were frantically house hunting (this is a full time job in the market here right now - it is brutal!) only to have circumstances change and be told two weeks ago (I think it was then - my memory is blurring now) that we need to relocate to Minnesota instead.  Ugh.  Boston is like my dream location to live so I was pretty upset but, after having the appropriate mourning period, I don't believe in dwelling on that.  So, onwards and upwards to Minnesota!  Lucky we hadn't unpacked our boxes yet.  Anyway, we are heading over there next Tuesday and will be frantically searching for a house.  We will have to find one fast as our shipping container has finally cleared customs and is on it's way!!  Wish me luck!  Boy, do I have some projects planned once my stuff is unpacked....

Meanwhile, we managed a weekend trip to New York last weekend and that was a dream come true for me too so I will leave you with a photo of our weekend in New York.  This is my two kids on Liberty Island with the Manhattan skyline in the background.


  1. You will enjoy Minnesota! Land of Archivers and Mall of America! And Target stores everywhere you look! Where are you looking for a house here?

  2. I can't imagine anything more stressfull...but so gald you got to visit NYC...Best of luck and thanks for the tomoato tip's {Smile}!

  3. I'm so glad for this update. I hope all goes well with the house hunt.

  4. Hi there!
    It´s nice to hear you are ok, It sounds very stressing everything that´s happening to you but it´s all for good, hope you finally settle somewhere and we have you here more often.


    Patricia in very cold Argentina

  5. Hey!! Glad to hear from you!!
    I hope you can finally set up in Minessota.

  6. Have fun in Minnesota, eh?

    And so glad you were able to make it to NYC!!!! Good luck, my friend.

    Have you been able to look online for houses??? That's how we've found our past two houses...we put together a list of "possibles" and then make the realtor take us to them. :-) Try

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