
Friday, February 8, 2013

Favourite Finds Friday

I wasn't kidding about my love of alliteration the other day (I am sure I have mentioned it many times actually....).

To finish up the week I am just going to share a few random things I came across this week that I enjoyed.

I just bought this great 'Hogsmeade Retro Travel' poster from Poster Revolution.  E is a huge Harry Potter fan and this poster is only $4.80 today (don't know for how long).

I am going to try out Smitten Kitchen's chicken noodle soup recipe - it looks fantastic.  I should try more of her recipes as they all look wonderful.

This image comes from a wonderful blog that you have probably already heard of, Posie Gets Cozy.  Alicia writes so beautifully and creates the most heart achingly gorgeous things.  But I just love this photo of some vintage wallpaper swatches.  That yellow one has me drooling.

Loving these cool eco friendly binders from Naked Binder.

Isn't this adorable?  I love this little woven heart valentine from Mini-eco in the UK.

Last but not least, I love this free printable colouring page from Gerbera Designs - it comes blank and you colour it in however you like (obviously...).  I am going to do one for each of the kids.

What have you discovered this week?  Do you overuse the word 'love' in your descriptions of things??  Feel free to share in the comments!

(disclaimer: none of these links/opinions are sponsored or affiliated in any way, none of these websites or people probably even know who I am - these are just my personal opinions of things I have come across in my internet browsing travels this week)


  1. I like the heart weave, looks like 8-bit digital. How was the shicken soup?

    Pigtails digs your squirrel avatar.

    1. I haven't made it yet - going to do it on Friday so will let you know.

      I am actually a squirrel... :)) That is a photo of one I took in our backyard. Being Australian I find them adorable! My neighbours all laugh at me for my love of squirrels.

    2. Agree, squirrels are great, so scrappy and sneaky. People misunderstand the little rodents, although they ARE suicidal dodging in front of my car crossing the street.
