
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tag - you're it

I have been making lots of these cute tags.  So simple to make - just use a large scalloped craft punch to cut out the shapes, hole punch and leave as is or add a simple eyelet and some string/thread.

I designed these papers I used and printed them on card stock.  Here they are if you would like to use them as well.

Grey paper
Pink paper

Monday, January 30, 2012

Makeover Monday - Thrifty Lamp

Remember my (potentially) pretty glass lamps that I picked up a while ago?  I bought a new lampshade for one of them and doesn't it look great now?  I love it!  I got the new lampshade at Ikea for only $10 so the lamp in total cost $14.99.  I love a good bargain too.

Friday, January 13, 2012

DIY ping pong

A has had it stuck in his head that he wants to play ping pong (table tennis - whatever you want to call it).  To the point that he made the net himself and he kept asking me to buy the bats (paddles? what are they called officially?).  Before I felt like going shopping for them I decided to have a go at making some.

Cut two handle lengths from a sturdy cardboard roll.

Cut slits on opposite sides (just eyeball it). 

 Use something round to mark out your circles.

Cut out the circles. 

Squish the circles into the cut slits on the tubes.

I have to say, these lasted longer than I anticipated.  I think we probably got a good 8 - 10 hours play out of them (over a few days).  If you want them to last longer you could use some duct tape to secure them as well.  I was just buying some time until I went to the shops (and also seeing if the desire matched up with the activity to be honest).  We had a lot of fun using these on our coffee table before we got annoyed with the small size and I relented and bought some bats and we are still using the net on our dining table now.  I have played many, many, many games of ping pong over the last week....

By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I haven't been in this space for awhile so apologies for that.  I have some health issues I am dealing with but I won't bore you with the details - hopefully it will all be sorted out soon.  Aside from that, here's to a great year ahead!