
Friday, November 4, 2011

Stamp me

If you have been around here for awhile you might remember my foray into stamp carving.  I busted out my snowflake stamp for some plain white fabric.  I hope to finish up this project tomorrow and I can show you what I have done with it.  I highly recommend stamping fabric though!  Very satisfying.

On a totally unrelated note, I have had A home the last three days with a nasty cold (imagine green slimy nose and gross cough and you have it).  I never, ever tire of his Lego and Playmobil people setups... they crack me up and I love watching his imagination at work.

Do all kids like to line stuff up?  

If I don't get back, have a great weekend!


  1. I think the urge to line things up hints at mild OCD (but I'm probably projecting here. :P). Even if I'm right, it's not necessarily a bad thing - I think my own perfectionism and attention to detail make my paintings better!

    I've been obsessed with lately and all I can think is that A's panorama of toy people and cars would look awesome cartoonified and printed on fabric. :D

  2. Hi, I saw this post (I found your blog while following the Owl sock), and I had to contact you. I'm mildly autistic, and one of the huuuuge signs is our propensity as children to start lining things up. I would do it to the whole house.

    I wouldn't worry too much, because it could just be a phase of finding out one can line things up, but if he keeps doing it, mention it to the doctor. Early intervention makes a huge difference.
