
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy kids - activity roundup

We have been busy around here lately.

So, after A's fun with his cheerio box dollhouse (inspired by Joel of Made by Joel), Miss E decided to do her own.

and then with residents, dogs of course.

Then she progressed to make up another style of dollhouse with walls and lots of cool details.  She had the ideas and I helped her with the walls - they were a bit tricky.

I love her basin and tap...

the toilet has a downpipe....

and there is a fireplace.  All in all, a lot of fun.

Plus we made a bottle bird feeder.  As a tip, instead of cutting holes in each side to push the stick through, I cut an X.  Makes for a tighter fit for the the stick (I am pretty sure I saw this tip in a Martha magazine at one stage).

We have been playing Double Shutter.

We made a zip line/flying fox for the back door (again, inspired by Joel).

Plus the 'how to draw' books have been getting a work out.

What have you all been up to with your kiddos?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow...woman, you are amazing! (And I can see that it has been passed on to your kidlets. They're so talented!)

    Our projects are quite a bit less ambitious than yours. haha We just aim to get through coloring time without the two year old throwing crayons. ;-)
