
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yet more snow... that is why they call it Minnesnowta!

It is snowing yet again.  It is March and the official first day of Spring is in exactly two weeks.  Someone should tell the weather or this is what I am going to look like..... (hee hee, this puppet was at the Christmas display at Macy's downtown - I keep meaning to send this to my Mum, she would find it hilarious).

On a more positive, less whiny, note, look at my thrift shop score yesterday!  I was so happy to find these vintage beauties.  So pretty.  I have found quite a few other things recently that are all getting little or big makeovers and I shall be revealing them over the next few weeks.  After the temperature gets high enough that I can use spray paint anyway.....


  1. I'm totally feelin' like that guy in the photo! Happy melting, though! I see brown grass finally! I hope you are enjoying MN so far. I left you some love on my blog.

  2. Oooh, that is a score! If you'd bought them from an antiques shop, or someplace where the owners really knew their business, I bet they'd be charging a pretty penny for those babies. Lucky you!
