
Friday, August 7, 2009

Play tickets free printable

Here is another free printable. This one is for the kiddies. I have occasionally hand drawn little tickets for my kids and they get so much fun out of something so simple. Miss E used to use one as a 'bus ticket' to school (in our car) and now A likes to collect tickets to allow entry past him at the stair gate at the top of our stairs. I really have no idea why they love them quite so much but it inspired this download and I hope you find a kid who likes them too. Update: I have a great friend who did the PDF for me in the cool font (just in case you visited when the plain font was up - if not - ignore this part!).

You can download them here:

Some tips for cutting them out. The shape can be a bit of a pain to cut out so just cut them into rectangular strips and use a hole punch to cut out the notches. May not be perfect but definitely the easiest way!

Also, I have a guillotine with a perforated blade that I use for the joins so they can pull them apart themselves. You could also use a sewing machine (without thread obviously) for the same effect. Or just cut them of course....


  1. so clever!!! i need to get a guillotine with a perforated edge now :) thanks for sharing!

  2. These are super cute! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.

  3. Thank you! I saw you linked on Crafty Crow.

  4. In a junk shop I found some old tickets that said "Hug" and "Kiss." I bought them for my kids, but I haven't given them out because I didn't want to run out. Now I can just make more when I need them. Thanks for posting this.

    I found you through The Crafty Crow.

  5. thanks so much for sharing these, they're lovely.

  6. Tickets are better than candy! Love it. Thanks so much!

  7. Great idea and thank you for sharing. The kids love playing shows. They will love having proper tickets to let us see the show :-))

  8. I absolutely love your tickets. Thank you for sharing.

  9. We'll be using these over Christmas! So glad I found you, and have linked to you from
    Thanks for the inspiration :-)

  10. I'm doing a class play and I'm so going to use these tickets! Thanks for sharing!

    I found you through the Crafty Crow.

  11. Thanks! Just googled tickets to print for my kids and their awesome behavior;o) Found your link - perfect!

  12. Thanks for sharing this free download. We're using these for summer bingo rewards!

  13. Good idea! Nice Tickets!
    Only negative would be I printed out 27 of them. I only needed 2 or 3. But it does not matter. Awesome job!

    1. Glad you liked them. Hmmm, I might look at a smaller sheet for them - good idea!

  14. This is awesome!!! Saved me a lot of work! Thank you! :)
    Unathi (South Africa)

  15. Awesome ! Loved the idea , way too fun for kidz!

    ahhh i didnt know how to do it perfectly as you did . .

    but i'll try again. احسنت ..

  16. heey lovrd your idea sooooo much! -S

  17. Thank you so much!!!! These were exactly what I was looking for!

  18. I have featured your free printable on my blog, please visit this link:

    Love your work!

  19. i tried to download but its no longer on Dropbox...

  20. Replies
    1. Hi Karina, apologies for the slow reply but the link should be fixed now! Not sure why it dropped out...
