
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Catch up post....

I am going to combine a couple of things here due to the lag in posts.

Firstly, a new friend from the countryside gave me and others some lovely fresh pecan nuts from her tree so I immediately tried them in some 'cowboy cookies' from a recent Martha magazine. They were quite simple to make and the kids just looooved them. They contain chopped pecans, oats and chocolate chips. A is a little addicted to cookie dough it seems. I think he would be happy to not even bake the cookies some days. He just loves baking so much he asks me to do some with him nearly every day (which I can't say I manage). Maybe there is a little chef in the making! He is very particular how he has his food and he does things like crushing up a wafer to sprinkle over his ice-cream, making sure he has a little bit of wafer with every mouthful. He also only likes fresh cooked food and will reject nearly every leftover (even casserole!). Hmmmm......

Shortly after this cooking endeavour I was asked to do a talk at Miss E's school about Australia so I baked some Anzac biscuits to give the children as well. You have to love a good Anzac biscuit! I haven't been able to find any golden syrup here but a friend gave me her unused jar so there have been quite a few old favourite recipes popping up!

It seems most of my creative pursuits have involved baking lately. I am having fun making some Christmas cards at the moment so will post them when I am done.