
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Strawberry and nutella crepes

It is Miss E's birthday today (10!!  holy cow!!) and she requested crepes for breakfast.  Just like the strawberry ones from the Original Pancake House.  Oh good.  No pressure.  We looooove the Original Pancake House and we love their crepes.  I have never made crepes but was inspired by my good friend Melanie when she whipped up fresh peach crepes for breakfast (with bacon on the side mmmm.....) when we stayed with them on our way back from Kentucky.  Oh My Goodness, they were good.  I am a decent cook so I gave it my best shot and I think they turned out great!  We all feasted on these for breakfast and I was satisfied when Miss E declared them the best birthday breakfast ever (awww, way to warm your mama's heart).  Miss E customised hers with a slathering of nutella on the inside before we piled on the fresh strawberries.  I had mine without the nutella but they were good either way.  Here is a link to the recipe I used.  The only adjustment I made was to add a splash of vanilla and I doubled the recipe (we have enough for leftovers for the kids tomorrow morning - yum).


  1. Happy birthday Miss E!

    It's a good thing you were wearing your 'Strawberry & Nutella Crepes' shirt that day! :)

  2. We always keep appropriate shirts handy. Ha ha. :-)
