
Friday, November 25, 2011

How was your Thanksgiving?

Well, I hope all my American bloggy friends had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday.  We aren't native here but I really enjoy this holiday and I wish we had something similar in Australia.  Actually, there is an official 'Thanksgiving Day' in Australia but no-one knows about it and it certainly isn't celebrated.  I might start an online lobby for it to be celebrated in July in Australia - we need a good celebration in the cold part of the year so we can enjoy the yummy hot food too (obviously the most important factor when deciding these things).  Turkey in December when it is steaming hot is not the best (though many of us labour on with it - and add fake snow to our windows to boot!).

Not having any family here, we had a very quiet, simple day.  We invited some friends over for breakfast (which was just lovely and helped stave off any homesickness) and then we put up our Christmas lights outside (before it gets too cold) and had a very simple turkey dinner.  In the morning I put out my berry branches and punched a bunch of circles out of craft paper for everyone to write what they are thankful for to hang on the tree.  The kids got really into it and continued on throughout the day until it was looking quite full.

My son isn't a confident writer yet so he dictated his list to me - this one is my favourite.  I felt good that he got down to appreciating some of the simpler things in life after he listed off things like the Wii and iPod first!


  1. Oh my goodness. your wee Thankful tree is so lovely. And how sweet is your wee son. He's just right too, we must appreciate the simple things in life. Aww he's so sweet. Lovely idea too. It would be handy to have this sort of thing in a big family, maybe call it a wishlist tree. So coming up to Christmas everyone put their names and pressie wishlist on the tree. It certainly would be handy when getting present for everyone. Fab idea, love your wee tree. Lee x

  2. I love it when you say 'wee'. It reminds me of another good friend and I just love the phrase. That is a great idea for a wish list tree! I do come from a large family so that could be a fun alternative one year.

  3. Hmmmm hot turkey, yum! weather in Sydney today is so wet and dreary I could haveva thanksgiving today. I love your thankful tree.

  4. I had a quiet but nice Thanksgiving, Catherine. I love your son's ideas for things to be thankful for! :)
