
Friday, April 29, 2011

Freebie Friday - Counting with Shapes poster

Here is Freebie Friday again.  I designed this poster for my son so we could have fun counting and learning what certain shapes are called at the same time - I have included tiny labels on each shape.  Honestly?  I needed the little labels more than him I think.  ha ha.  By the way, is anyone having any problems accessing these files?  I am using Dropbox and just wanted to check.

Also, I have had some thrift shop scores lately that I have to share.  Look!  Now I have 3 of these lovely blue Mason jars.  I am trying to convince myself I don't need any more now.  They make me so happy to look at them on my kitchen windowsill and sometimes I use them for vases which just ups the cuteness factor even more.

Owl fever shows no signs of abating and I have succumbed to a few little treasures.  The latest being this adorable little plant pot and a vintage owl themed book which I bought mainly for the illustrations.

Here is a better view of the little pot.

Look at this page out of the book.  Would be lovely scanned and printed off to frame for a child's room don't you think?

I really love thrift store shopping but, after my first flurry of cheap purchases I am keeping myself in check so I don't bring too much 'stuff' into my home for no good reason.  Not what I need after all my (past and continuing) decluttering efforts.  Do you like thrift store shopping too?  What has been your favourite find?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Embroidery beginnings

I thought I would be brave and show my first attempt at a fully embroidered picture.  I have done little bits of embroidery over the years but never had a real go at it.  I am totally hooked!  I was making this for a friend but I am not happy enough with it to use for a gift.  The eyes are a bit weird (I made them too big and they are different sizes), the stitch lengths are all uneven, yada yada yada.  But I am quite happy with it for myself.  I will have to do another one for my friend.  I bought a few embroidery books recently to help kickstart my attempts and this pattern comes from Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray (she has a really lovely blog and Etsy shop too).  By the way, I have absolutely no affiliations with Aimee - I just bought her book and checked her out.  I don't have affiliations with Amazon either (but I probably should if I am going to recommend anything).  Anyway, what I love about her book is that it comes with a CD with all the designs on it and you can print them off very easily and trace the patterns onto your fabric using a water soluble marker.  So, so easy and lots of cute, simple designs to start off with.

The very best thing of all though, was that it captivated the interest of my 8 yr old (Pupster - as a refresher for her new nickname) so much that she has completed her first one and has started on another.  She has taken to it so well and it makes me so happy to sit and do it with her and the chatting time that comes with that.

Here is her first completed one (a dog of course!).  We are going to applique this on to a t-shirt for her.

Here is her second one in progress.

Jughead wanted to try one as well today (he has had a hoop with burlap in it for awhile that he has enjoyed randomly stitching in).  He really wanted a picture to do so I will get a photo and show you as well when I get another minute.  So fun (for me particularly)!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I know this has been around for awhile but this cartoon still makes me laugh every time I see it.  I couldn't find a source to credit it so if anyone knows please pass that on.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy kids - activity roundup

We have been busy around here lately.

So, after A's fun with his cheerio box dollhouse (inspired by Joel of Made by Joel), Miss E decided to do her own.

and then with residents, dogs of course.

Then she progressed to make up another style of dollhouse with walls and lots of cool details.  She had the ideas and I helped her with the walls - they were a bit tricky.

I love her basin and tap...

the toilet has a downpipe....

and there is a fireplace.  All in all, a lot of fun.

Plus we made a bottle bird feeder.  As a tip, instead of cutting holes in each side to push the stick through, I cut an X.  Makes for a tighter fit for the the stick (I am pretty sure I saw this tip in a Martha magazine at one stage).

We have been playing Double Shutter.

We made a zip line/flying fox for the back door (again, inspired by Joel).

Plus the 'how to draw' books have been getting a work out.

What have you all been up to with your kiddos?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Freebie Friday - Bunting To Do List

Short and sweet tonight (although I am very proud of myself for posting freebie Friday on an actual Friday - hee hee).  Here is a cheery little to do list to brighten up the task!  There are three to a page that you can cut out and staple together if you so choose.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Freebie Friday

Let's pretend it is still Friday ok?  Delusions are my modus operandi these days.

I have been seeing this pattern around and, thanks to my good friend Katy, have been drooling over it on cushions mainly.  So, I thought it would be fun to make a printable scrapbooking paper design with it too.  Enjoy!