
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Better late than never and a quotable quote free printable

I never got around to discussing the whole New Year and all that it usually entails.  Resolutions and so forth I mean mostly.  The New Year just kind of whooshed past taking January and February along with it, it seems.

Well, I like to say that I don't make resolutions but, truthfully, I make dozens of them!  In fact, I could just trot the same ones out every year really.  So, in the spirit of resolution making, I have made one more.  To not make so many resolutions!  ha ha.  Here is my very short list:

1. To become a wealthy business owner who has scads of people to do all the dirty work for her.
2. To grow very long legs.
3. To own a private jet so I never have to wait in line at customs, immigration and security with the other 400 people who just exited planes ever again.  EVER AGAIN.

Oh wait, that's not my list!!

Here it is:

1. To learn how to use my mobile phone (tragic but true).
2. To learn how to access my home voicemail (again, tragic but true).
3. To appreciate the joy in the ordinary day to day minutae of life.

Spot the hard one.  Oh, you have trouble with your mobile phone too?  :-)

Anyway, back to the distant memory that was New Year's, I started off my year with this quote which is my motto for this year and I am going to share it with you as a free printable.  Better late than never I (too often) say.  It is framed and up on my mantle so I can remember my intention and I thought you might find it inspiring as well.  This file has four pages - a different colour for each page.  If you desperately want a different colour just let me know and I can do that easily.  Oh, I am trialling a different file sharing facility here this time as well so let me know if you have any problems with accessing it.

Free quote by Howard Thurman

Hope you enjoy it and I hope it inspires you this year as well!

Update:  I actually started writing this post in the middle of January and you will all be ecstatic to know that I can now access my home voicemail!  Yay, progress!!  I knew you would sleep better knowing that....

1 comment:

  1. I finally gave up the home voice mail... it was just impossible! hehehe

