
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Holiday activities

We have had our school holidays here for the last week so we spent some of our time making more paper roll owls (these were started awhile ago and have been added to by visiting friends as well)...

(inspired by Matsutake)

and making crepe paper pom poms (that is what we call them in Australia anyway).  I just cut a bunch of crepe paper streamers into even lengths, stacked them, gathered one end and wound masking tape around them to make a handle.  My sister made MUCH better ones for her boys' sports days but I couldn't remember how she made them.  This is my simple hack.

We did another cute sewing craft today.  I will try and get photos tomorrow when the light is better around here.   Hope you all had a lovely Easter!


  1. I love your little coven of owls! So so sweet...

  2. Owl lovely are those. I will give that a try with the boys.
