
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Doily table

I stumbled across this today and doesn't it look amazing???  These are doilies preserved in resin.  Kristina with a K, I thought you would particularly like this too!  It is from the Ornamentalist blog.  I have a bunch of doilies like this from my Nana.  I am not sure if I could commit them to resin just yet but wow.


  1. Oh my gosh I love this! And they are all stuck in that resin? How creative! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. That is too cool! I love how some of them are overlapped. I can understand how you might not want to do that to your heirloom doilies, but maybe with store bought ones! (our dollar store usually has them in two different sizes and colors...)

  3. Wow, now that is an awesome table! I want one :D

  4. I know, I love how they are all at different depths too. Great idea to use bought ones instead! That would still remind me of my Nana too.

  5. You could do a similar thing with a frosted glass top have it cut to size of your table and lay your doilies or what ever underneath, just a thought.
