
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Father's Day is coming...

I think Father's Day is next month down here in Uruguay but I believe in the US it is this coming weekend? In Australia it isn't until September. Anyway, here are a few ideas and what the kids will be making for their Daddy.

The photo above is his present from 3 years ago - it is just each of our handprints on a bought canvas. I got David to do his handprint first weeks before so he forgot about it and it was a surprise on the day. The thing I love about this photo is that A was not yet a year old and hated anything on his hands so I had to quickly smoosh his hand in the paint and squish it on to the canvas before he had time to scream too much. Talk about child abuse! I think his little smooshy hand print is adorable (but I am biased).

This pencil cup is what the kids will be making this year. You can get the instructions from Busy Bee Kid's Crafts here. I am going to spray paint a leftover food tin first and probably cover it with a nice 'manly' patterned paper before letting the kids cut and paste.

A tradition I started a few years ago is one of David's favourite presents. Every year I take a photo of the kids with a sign saying, first with only Miss E, 'I love you Daddy' and now, with the two of them 'We love you Daddy'. He has a flip top desk calendar at work that the photos go into. How I am going to get the kids to do it when they are teenagers is anybody's guess (but I suspect bribery will be involved).

I am also keen on this idea over at Martha. I just need to find a note cube....


  1. gorgeous I love the photos and the note cube is a great idea!!

  2. Thanks Steph and thanks for dropping by!

  3. Cute cute ideas!! Those photos will be treasures...and your children are just beautiful.

    Thanks so much for visiting me and your nice comment!


  4. I love the hands on canvas. Those are simple, but sweet - just perfect!
